Unfair OCEL(s)

We offer simulated object-centric datasets (converted to OCEL) for (un)fair process mining research:

(Un)Fair Process Mining Event Logs (Converted to OCEL)

Object Types: { Person }

Person-level Attributes: overallProtected, sumBoolDiscrFactors, reworkedActivities, throughputTime, numOcc_ACTIVITY

Event-level Attributes: resource


  • Hiring: Simulates a recruitment process, including attributes that could lead to discrimination if misused (e.g., age, gender, religion).
  • Hospital: Models a hospital treatment process, with attributes like age, citizenship, and insurance status, allowing for analysis of potential disparities in healthcare.
  • Lending: Represents a loan application process, including attributes like credit score and demographic information for fairness analysis.
  • Renting: Simulates a rental application process, with attributes like age, gender, and religious affiliation to explore potential biases.